1st Training Centre

1st Training Centrе is intended for individual basic training primarily for soldiers on military service, but also for cadets, students and personel from the reserve component who did not serve military service with weapons. In addition, it implements part of the training of all categories of staff (from professional soldiers to officers, from active and reserve component).

It is located in Sombor garrison, in the barracks "Aerodrom", and it comprises HQ, HQ Company, Training Battalion and Logistic Company.

Colonel Nebojša Spajić is the Commander of the 1st Training Centre.

Tasks of 1st TC

1st Training Centre is tasked wit:

  • basic training of soldiers doing voluntary military service,
  • organization and realization of courses for specialization of professional personnel,
  • certification of the training of soldiers doing voluntary military service.

Training in 1st TC

Basic training of soldiers of all military occupational specialties in the 1st Phase of the 1st Period – individual training period, is conducted at the Centre, in accordance with the unique plan and program of soldiers’ basic training. Due to the expressed needs, the Centre also conducts specialized training for soldiers – shooters (infantry) within the 2nd Phase of the 1st Training Period.

Training Structure:

  • military training (tactical training, firing training, service regulation and drill),
  • physical training,
  • morale.

Basic training phase (1st Phase of the 1st Period - individual training period) lasts 6 weeks, i.e. 30 workdays or 180 classes.

Basic training is the same for all and its aim is the creation of a reliable, physically ready and motivated soldier who possesses the quality needed for combat, as well as the basic skills which would enable him to survive in the battle field and work as a member of a team or crew.

Background of 1st TC

1st Training Centre celebrates November 13 as the Day of the unit. This date represents two important historical dates – November 13, 2006 – the day when this Centre was established, and November 13, 1918 – the date when the advance guard, a squad of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Serbia led by Major Nikola Ilić Bajko, entered Sombor after the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki front and the victorious military campaign of the Serbian Military.

As a sign of respect towards immortal actions of the fallen heroes in the previous fatherland wars, a memorial named "Proud Remembrance" was erected and consecrated on March 24, 2010 in the barracks "Aerodrom".

Contact Information

Address: Centrala St., Sombor
Phone: +381 (0) 25 438-899
Fax: +381 (0) 25 438-899
Email: 1.co@vs.rs

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