Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6)

Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6) is an inter-service organizational unit of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff intended for planning, organizing, coordination and control of telecommunication and information service for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6) is the owner of telecommunication and information functions in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. 

The Chief of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6) is Brigadier General Mile Vitezović.

Signals Brigade, the Centre for Command-Information Systems and Information Support and the Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics are directly subordinated to the Directorate.

Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6) is responsible for the implementation of tasks, duties and activities from the function "Telecommunications and Information technology" in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. It performs the following tasks within the function: 
  • Telecommunication-information service, which is conducted for the uninterrupted functioning of telecommunication-information services in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in peace, state of emergency and war; 
  • Development of telecommunication-information systems, in mobile and stationary components in accordance with modern requirements of command and control;
  • Protection of telecommunication-information systems in the field of information security and defense in cyberspace;
  • Regulating office operations and taking measures for improvement in the field of official correspondence and postal traffic in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

Tradition of Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6)

Sector for Signals, Information Technology and Electronic Operations of the General Staff of the Serbia and Montenegro Armed Forces, which included the Signals Directorate and the Information Technology Directorate, was reformed on March 1, 2005 into the Directorate of Signals and Information Technology (G-6) of the General Staff of the Serbia and Montenegro Armed Forces.

Directorate of Signals and Information Technology (G-6) of the General Staff of the Serbia and Montenegro Armed Forces was reformed into the Telecommunications and Information Technology Directorate (J-6) of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff on December 15, 2006.

Contact information

Address: 38 Neznanog junaka St, Belgrade
Phone: +381 (0) 11 3005-589
Fax: +381 (0) 11 3005-587