Development and Equipment Directorate (J-5)

Development and Equipment Directorate (J-5) is an organizational unit of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff intended for equipping with weapons and military equipment, making plans for scientific publishing activities for the Serbian Armed Forces, designing the organization and preparing the mobilization of the Serbian Armed Forces.
Technical Testing Centre is directly subordinated to the Development and Equipment Directorate (J-5).

The Chief of the Development and Equipment Directorate (J-5) is Brigadier General Milan Popović.

Development and Equipment Directorate (J-5)  is responsible for:

  • development of studies and plans for equipping the Serbian Armed Forces with weapons and military equipment, explosive ordnance and teaching materials;
  • preparation of tactical studies and preliminary development analyses of weapons and military equipment, explosive ordnance and teaching materials;
  • participation in quality verification and development of solutions for adoption of weapons and military equipment, explosive ordnance and teaching materials;
  • preparation of procurement reports for weapons and military equipment, explosive ordnance and teaching materials;
  • development of criteria and norms of belonging and equipping of commands, units and institutions with weapons and military equipment, explosive ordnance and teaching materials, giving consent for advertising surpluses and disposal;
  • designing the components and commands, units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces and defining the elements of organizational development;
  • proposing, monitoring and analysis of organizational procedures of commands, units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • participation in the development of documents and regulations in the field of organization;
  • keeping records, updating and filing documents of the organization;
  • planning and organizing the mobilization of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • development, updating and filing the Mobilization Plan of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff;
  • development of programs for the realization of development, scientific publishing and modernization of weapons and military equipment, explosive ordnance and teaching materials;
  • development of plans for scientific publishing activities for the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • planning, organizing and controlling the implementation of the tasks of the Technical Testing Centre.

Contact information

Address: 38 Neznanog junaka St., 11 000 Belgrade
Phone: +381 (0) 11 2063-834
Fax: +381 (0) 11 3005-053