Commander, 1st Army Brigade Brigadier General Jovica Matić
Date and place of birth
December 6, 1976, Zvornik
- Advanced Security and Defence Studies, 2020
- General Staff College, 2019
- Command and Staff College, 2017
- Army Military Academy, Infantry, 1999
- Military High School, 1995
Duties to date
- Commander, 1st Army Brigade
- Deputy Commander, Training Command
- Head of Military Police Department, SAF General Staff
- Chief of Security Affairs Office, Office of the Minister of Defence
- Chief of Military Police Affairs Section, Office of the Minister of Defence
- Deputy Commander, 5th Military Police Battalion, Army
- Operations and Training Officer, 5th Military Police Battalion
- Commander, 4th Military Police Battalion
- Military Police Company Commander
- Military Police Platoon Leader
- Brigadier General, 2023
- Colonel, 2019
- Lieutenant Colonel, 2015
- Major, 2010
- Captain, 2005
- Lieutenant, 2002
- Second Lieutenant, 1999
- Military Memorial for Participation in Joint Tactical Exercise “Lightning Strike”, 2021
- Military Memorial Medal for 20 Years of Diligent Service, 2021
- Military Memorial Medal for Exceptional Results Achieved as an Officer – 1st awarded, 2020
- Military Memorial for 20 Years of Defence Against NATO Aggression, 2019
- Silver Meritorious Medal, 2018
- Military Memorial for Marking Serbian Armed Forces Jubilee, 2015
- Military Memorial for Participation in Military Parade “Belgrade 2014”, 2015
- Medal for Merit in the Field of Security and Defence, 2004
Contact Information
Address: 33 Dunavska Street, 21000 Novi Sad
Phone: +381 (0) 21 525-861