Commander, 98th Air Force Brigade Colonel Aleksandar Milićević
Date and place of birth
August 2, 1971, Kraljevo
- General Staff College, 2017
- Command and Staff College, 2010
- Military Academy, Aviation Department, 1994
- Air Force and Air Defence General Military High School, 1990
- Colonel, 2019
- Lieutenant Colonel, 2012
- Major, 2007
- Captain 1st Class, 2003
- Captain, 2000
- Lieutenant, 1997
- Second Lieutenant, 1994
Duties to date
- Commander, 98th Air Force Brigade
- Chief of the Air Control, Protection and Allocation Department within SMATSA, Air Force and Air Defence
- Chief of the Air Control, Protection and Allocation Section within SMATSA , Air Force and Air Defence
- Deputy Commander, 98th Air Force Brigade
- Chief of Staff, 98th Air Force Brigade
- Assistant Commander Operations, 98th Air Force Brigade
- Head of the Operations and Training Section, 98th Air Force Brigade HQ
- Staff Officer in the Doctrine and Rules Department, Training and Doctrine Directorate (J-7), Serbian Armed Forces General Staff
- Aviation section commander, 241st Fighter-Bomber Aviation Squadron
- Head of Flight Operations Section, 98th Aviation Base HQ
- Flight Safety Officer, 98th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Regiment HQ
- Information and Morale Officer, 98th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Regiment HQ
- Assistant Commander for Information, 229th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Squadron HQ
- Flight Instructor Pilot
- Military Memorial Medal “20th Anniversary of Defence Against NATO Aggression," 2019
- Military Memorial Medal for 20 Years of Diligent Service, 2016
- Military Memorial Medal for Participation in Combat Operations in FRY, 2015
- Military Memorial Medal for Serbian Armed Forces Jubilee, 2015
- Military Memorial Medal for Exceptional Results in Military Service Achieved as an Officer, 2014
Contact Information
Address: 36204 Lađevci
Phone: +381 (0) 36 305 001
Fax: +381 (0) 36 305 008