Commander, HQ Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandar Petrović
Date and Place of Birth
April 6, 1982, Majdanpek
- Command and Staff College, 2021
- Military Academy, Infantry, 2006
- Military Grammar School, 2001
Duties to Date
- Commander, HQ Battalion, Training Command
- Chief of Operational Affairs and Training Section, Banat Brigade HQ
- Deputy Commander, HQ Battalion, Training Command
- Honor company commander, HQ Battalion, Training Command
- Company deputy commander
- Platoon leader
- Lieutenant Colonel, 2022
- Major, 2018
- Captain, 2013
- Lieutenant, 2009
- Second Lieutenant, 2006
- Silver Medal for Merits, 2020
- Military Memorial Medal for 10 Years of Diligent Service, 2017
- Military Memorial for Participation in Military Parade “Belgrade 2014”, 2015
- Military Memorial for Marking Serbian Armed Forces Jubilee, 2015
- Military Memorial Medal for Exceptional Results Achieved as an Officer, 1st awarded, 2014
Contact Information
Address: 5 Gardijska St., 11 000 Belgrade
Phone: +381 (0) 3005-204
Fax: +381 (0) 2064-823