Soldiers and NCO...

Soldiers and NCO Candidates Took the Oath

12/20/2024 | Stories from Units
Fifth Joint Air...

Fifth Joint Air Defence Live Firings Shabla 2019

06/05/2019 | Training On the Shabla Bulgarian Army firing ground, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces will conduct joint air defence live firings with members of the armed forces of that country, in the period from 4th to 14th June.
Military Memorial...

Military Memorial Medals Presented to Members of the 250th AD Missile Brigade

04/15/2019 | Culture and traditions A military memorial medal on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the participating in the defence against the NATO aggression is yet another acknowledgement that will testify as of today about the courage and bravery of the members of the 250th AD Missile Brigade that has already been decorated with the Order of the National Hero for defending the country.
Minister Vulin and...

Minister Vulin and General Mojsilović With the AD Forces on Duty on the Eve of the Orthodox New Year

01/14/2019 | News On the eve of the Orthodox New Year, the Minister of Defence and the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, accompanied by the Commander, Air Force and Air Defence visited the air defence forces on duty in the Pančevo garrison.
The SAF Are...

The SAF Are Modernising the Air Defence Units

02/16/2018 | News Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and CHOD General Ljubiša Diković, visited with their associates on duty unit in the Air Defence system of Air Force and Air Defence of the SAF.