Day of 250th Air...

Day of 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade

11/22/2024 | Culture and traditions
Day of 126th ASEWG...

Day of 126th ASEWG Brigade Marked

10/11/2024 | Culture and traditions
Day of Air...

Day of Air Surveillance and Early Warning Service

06/18/2024 | Culture and traditions
Day of 250th Air...

Day of 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade

11/24/2023 | Culture and traditions
Day of...

Day of Telecommunications Service and Signal Brigade

09/20/2023 | Culture and traditions
Remembrance Day for...

Remembrance Day for Victims of NATO Aggression Marked

03/24/2023 | Culture and traditions
Day of the 250th Air...

Day of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade

11/24/2021 | Culture and traditions
Day of the...

Day of the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Missile Units Branch

09/30/2021 | Culture and traditions
Visit to 250th Air...

Visit to 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade Command

03/25/2021 | Stories from Units
Marking the Day of...

Marking the Day of the 250th Missile Brigade

11/24/2020 | Stories from Units