The More Numerous...

The More Numerous Armed Forces the Safer Serbia

08/07/2018 | CIMIC Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited the members of the Serbian Armed Forces in Zaječar Garrison who are assisting the households in Žagubica, where the floods caused great damage in the previous days.
Celebrations on the...

Celebrations on the occasion of Serbian Armed Forces Day in the cities of Serbia

04/23/2018 | Culture and traditions In the presence of numerous citizens, in Kruševac, Zaječar, Pančevo, Novi Sad, Kraljevo and Niš, today, military ceremonies were organized on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day.
The Armed Forces...

The Armed Forces Continue to Help in Defence against Floods

03/06/2018 | News Today as well, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces are providing assistance in defence against the floods at request of municipalities Zaječar and Bela Palanka.
Serbian Armed Forces...

Serbian Armed Forces Assist in Defence against Floods

03/05/2018 | News The members of the Command for Development of Timok Brigade and the 31st Infantry Battalion have been engaged in defence against floods in Zaječar.

Ceremonial March-Past of Military Bands and Arms Presentation in the Towns of Serbia

02/14/2018 | Culture and traditions Today, on the eve of the Statehood Day, in the centre of Belgrade, a representative orchestra of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard performed a ceremonial march-past.
Training of...

Training of Reservists at the Krivul Firing Range

10/04/2017 | Training On the basis of the Annual Call-up and Training Plan for persons from the Reserve Force, who are on a scheduled wartime post in the Timok Brigade, in the camp area and the Krivul direct fire engagement system, near Zaječar, their two-week training is underway.