Minister Vulin...

Minister Vulin Visited Knjaz Mihajlo Barracks in Niš

05/16/2018 | News Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited today the members of the Serbian Armed Forces in the barracks “Knjaz Mihajlo” in Niš.
Marking the Legal...

Marking the Legal Service Day

05/10/2018 | Culture and traditions The Day of the Serbian Armed Forces Legal Service was marked at the Military Club in Niš today, which was taken for its day on 10th May 1864, when the Military Judiciary Code was adopted in Serbia.
Day of the Special...

Day of the Special Brigade Marked

09/29/2017 | Culture and traditions Today, in the Pančevo barracks "Rastko Nemanjić", 29th September, the Day of the Special Brigade was marked.
The Order Will Be...

The Order Will Be Executed

08/05/2017 | News Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by AF and AD Commander Major General Ranko Živak, attended an unannounced combat readiness control of AD systems of AF and AD SAF.
Delegation of the...

Delegation of the MoD and the SAF laid wreaths at the Monument to Field Marshal Misic

07/20/2014 | CIMIC On the occasion of marking the centenary of the Great War and victory at the Battle of Kolubara, the delegation of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces laid wreaths at the Monument to Field Marshal Zivojin Misic in Mionica – the city that celebrates the birthdays of the renowned Serbian military leader as its Municipality Day.
Defence Minister...

Defence Minister visiting Army units

06/23/2014 | News Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic, accompanied by General Ljubisa Dikovic, Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia, Lieutenant General Aleksandar Zivkovic, Army Commander, and Mayer of Leskovac Goran Cvetanovic, visited today members of the Army during their preparation on the self-operated automatized shooting ground “Medja” for participation in “Tank Biathlon” in Russia.
General Diković...

General Diković laid a wreath at the tomb of Stepa Stepanovic

04/27/2014 | Culture and traditions General Ljubisa Dikovic, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff has laid today, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, a laurel wreath on the tomb of Stepa Stepanovic, at the City Cemetery in Cacak. Besides General Dikovic, the delegation comprised Lieutenant General Aleksandar Zivkovic, Army Commander, and Brigadier General Marinko Pavlovic, Commander of the 2nd Army Brigade.
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Third Army Brigade Marked its Day

10/07/2008 | Culture and traditions Today, in “Knjaz Mihajlo” barracks in Niš, 3rd Army Brigade marked 7. october - its Day.