Marking of Serbian Armed Forces’ Saint Patron’s Day Saint Despot Stephen, the Tall

Thursday, 1.8.2024 | Culture and traditions
In the Church of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark in Belgrade, which has the status of a military temple, and in the commands, units and military institutions, the Saint Patron’s Day of the Serbian Armed Forces — Saint Despot Stephen, the Tall — has been solemnly celebrated today.

On the occasion of the celebration of the heavenly protector of the Serbian Armed Forces in the military temple, a holy bishop’s liturgy was served by Bishop of Lipljan and the military Dositej, with the co-service of military chaplains.

The host of the celebration, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović has congratulated members of the Serbian Armed Forces and all citizens celebrating the Saint Despot Stephen’s Day today and expressed hope that in the years and decades ahead, we will celebrate this holiday in peace and prosperity.

The liturgy, blessing of the gifts and cutting of the ritual bread in the military temple were also attended by Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić, members of the collegiums of the Minister of Defence and Chief of the General Staff, as well as numerous officers, NCOs and civilians serving in the Serbian Armed Forces.

After the holy service, a festive holiday meal was held at the Topčider Barracks for distinguished visitors and members of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The Serbian Armed Forces have been celebrating the Saint Patron’s Day since last year, after the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church decided that the patron — heavenly protector of the Serbian Armed Forces should be Saint Stephen, the Tall, who was remembered as a wise statesman, a successful military leader, a powerful guardian of his people and, after his death, a miracle maker.

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