An expert seminar of Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution system started in Nis. The representatives of the Strategic Planning Department introduced the SAF Army Commanders who are trying to implement this system into their units to the elements of this system which they will need during the drafting of the Army Main Program for the period 2010-2015.
The conference was attended by the Head of the MoD Strategic Planning Department Brigadier General Mitar Kovac, Chief of the Army HQ Brigadier General Vojin Jondic and commanders who are tasked with introducing this system. A section tasked with implementing this PPBE system was introduced into the Army Command, the Head of which is Lt. Col. Ranko Mladenovic.
– In the previous period, as Brigadier General Mitar Kovac stated, “there was no ordered long-term and mid-term planning system. After the adopting the Constitution of Serbia and legal ordering of the defense system conditions for normative regulations of the defense planning had been created. All necessary studies have been done so far along with the drafting of all rulebooks, guidelines, programs for the introduction of the new system. Main Programs are in the process of drafting along with mid-term plans while the Army main Program is in its importance and scope one of the most significant key activities for the development of SAF Army in the period 2010-2015.