Visit to 126th ASEWG Brigade’s Unit

Wednesday, 14.8.2024 | Stories from Units
Today, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović has visited one of the radar positions of the 126th Air Surveillance, Early Warning and Guidance (ASEWG) Brigade.

During the visit, he inspected the organization of life and work, state of affairs, operational and functional capabilities of this unit, as well as skills of the combat shift in the execution of specific tasks.

Expressing his satisfaction with the expertise and skills of the 126th ASEWG Brigade’s members in working with the newly acquired assets of radar technology, General Mojsilović has pointed out that investments in equipping the unit will continue in order to sustain and improve further the ability to perform an important task - control and surveillance of the airspace of the Republic of Serbia - which takes place 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

During the tour, the Chief of the General Staff has been accompanied by Air Force and Air Defense Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, Head of the Office of the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Colonel Slađan Hristov, PhD, and Deputy Commander of the 126th ASEWG Brigade Colonel Miljan Milikić.

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