Tour of Air Force and Air Defense Units

Tuesday, 11.6.2024 | Stories from Units
Today, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović has visited the battalion of the 250th AD Missile Brigade in Kragujevac Garrison.

On that occasion, he inspected the EW capabilities of the Air Force and Air Defense units, as well as the training skills and abilities of the missile systems crews to operate in the conditions of electronic jamming.

Expressing his satisfaction with the demonstrated new capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as excellent skills of pilots-operators of remotely piloted aircraft and crews of the AD systems, General Mojsilović has pointed out that modernization, equipping and overall strengthening of Air Force and Air Defense will continue in the coming period.

During the tour, the Chief of the General Staff was accompanied by Deputy Commander of Air Force and Air Defense Major General Brane Krnjajić, Head of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Affairs Directorate (J-2) Brigadier General Dragan Arsenijević, Head of the Telecommunications and IT Directorate (J-6) Brigadier General Mile Vitezović and Commander of the 250th AD Missile Brigade Brigadier General Novica Gogić.

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