Inspection of Individual Training of Soldiers on Military Service

Friday, 12.7.2024 | Training
An inspection of the basic individual training of June 2024 class of soldiers on voluntary military service was carried out in the basic training centers of the Serbian Armed Forces in Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac.

The training inspection, the first for soldiers of this class, was conducted to assess their ability to independently carry out tactical actions and procedures on the battlefield, to properly handle weapons and military equipment, and to perform the duties of internal service and securing facilities service.

During the inspection, the soldiers solved tactical tasks, for which it was necessary to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the first phase of the first period of military service, which was conducted in the previous month and a half in the Training Command centers.

The achieved very good and excellent results show that this generation of soldiers is fully prepared for the next phase of training, which awaits them after their transfer to specialist training centers. In these centers, they will be trained for the military occupational specialty codes for which they were recruited, after which they will be assigned to Serbian Armed Forces units for collective training.

During their military service, interested soldiers can apply for admission to professional military service, after which they will go through the prescribed procedure and fulfill the conditions to join the ranks of professional Serbian Armed Forces members immediately after completing their military service.

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