Preparations of Serbian Armed Forces’ Unit for Participation in Peacekeeping Operation

Saturday, 11.5.2024 | Training
The infantry company from the 3rd Army Brigade assigned to participate in United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon is going through the second phase of training for participation in this UN mission at the “South” Base and “Borovac” Training Ground.

This is a segment of preparations that take several months intended for professional soldiers and officers of the Serbian Armed Forces before deployment to the Area of Operation, in order to be fully qualified to perform the tasks as part of peacekeeping forces.

After individual tactical and firearms training, carried out in the first phase of training, the unit is now practicing tactics, techniques and procedures for carrying out the tasks awaiting it in Lebanon, such as securing checkpoints, escorting convoys and controlling mass gatherings. The tactical tasks and scenarios that members of the unit perform are fully tailored to the situations they could encounter in the Area of Operation.

The company’s training concludes in late May with the implementation of a tactical exercise, which will test the unit’s skills for engagement as part of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

The engagement of an infantry company-ranked unit of the Serbian Armed Forces in the mission in Lebanon began in 2013; currently, this UN peacekeeping operation includes our force protection platoon, staff officers and a group of specialists in charge of supporting our contingent.

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