Meeting With Bishop of Lipjan and Military Dositej

Monday, 29.7.2024 | CHOD's Activities
Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović has met today with the bishop responsible for military chaplains in the Serbian Armed Forces, His Eminence Vicar Bishop Dositej of Lipjan.

At the meeting, the functioning of the Chaplaincy Service in the Serbian Armed Forces has been discussed, as well as the work of military chaplains and their assistants, and plans for the upcoming celebration of the St. Patron’s Day of the Serbian Armed Forces — Despot Saint Stephen the Tall.

In а conversation, it has been assessed that the cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and the Serbian Orthodox Church is at an exceptional level and that it should be continued in the same manner, as befits the institutions that Serbian citizens trust the most.

Emphasizing that the Serbian Armed Forces are the army of all citizens, that they respect differences and make possible for the satisfaction of religious needs of their members, General Mojsilović has pointed out that, in addition to exercising the constitutionally guaranteed right to the freedom of religion, the importance of the Chaplaincy Service also reflects in reinforcing the moral strength and perseverance of officers, civilians and soldiers, that is, the overall capabilities and readiness of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The Chaplaincy Service is organized for the purpose of exercising the freedom of religion of the Serbian Armed Forces’ members, strengthening spiritual and moral values and nurturing military virtues and patriotism. Members of the Serbian Armed Forces participate in the activities of the Service of their own free will and conviction, while respecting the obligations arising from the military service.

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