Serbian Armed Forces Help Provide Water for Livestock in Mt. Suva Planina

Wednesday, 14.8.2024 | CIMIC
Today, the Serbian Armed Forces started delivering water for the livestock in Mt. Suva Planina, where the livestock watering place has run out of drinking water after the water spring Rakoša dried up.  

Members of the Army are engaged in this task and they have made several trips during the day, transporting water for about 1000 suffering horses and cows in two water tank trucks.

In addition to SAF members, PUC Mediana Niš has come to the locals’ assistance, sending its water tank trucks to the watering place in Mt. Suva Planina.

The Serbian Armed Forces are currently engaged in supplying drinking water to the residents of the drought-affected villages in the territory of Vladimirci, Gornji Milanovac, Mionica and Sjenica, and are ready to deploy their troops and assets to all parts of our country if needed.

Like so many times before, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have responded to the community’s call for help and shown that they are always there for their people.

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