International Course at CBRN Training Centre

Thursday, 13.6.2024 | International Co-operation
An international CBRN protection course is being conducted at the CBRN Training Centre in Kruševac this week.

The training course is conducted by certified instructors of the Serbian Armed Forces, and participants are members of the armed forces of Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, the United States of America, and Montenegro.

During the five-day training activity in our centre, they will expand their knowledge in this field and receive additional training in the use of equipment used by CBRN specialists while performing their tasks.

In addition to theoretical lessons in the study rooms, the program also includes practical exercises conducted in a laboratory and at the “Ravnjak” training ground, intended for participants to learn of the possibilities of protective assets and equipment, determining the parameters and coefficients of the weakening of the protective power of materials when CBRN weapons are used.

Implementation of this and similar international courses, as well as wide interest of the partner countries’ armed forces in the training courses delivered by our centre, represent the best confirmation of the instructors’ expertise and quality of CBRN training in the Serbian Armed Forces.

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