Military Holidays Marked

Monday, 30.9.2024 | Culture and traditions
Day of the Air Defense Artillery-Missile Units and Day of the Technical Overhaul Institute “Čačak” have been officially marked in the Serbian Armed Forces today.

Day of the Air Defense Artillery-Missile Units, marked in memory of 30 September 1915, when Private Radoje Raka Ljutovac shot down an enemy plane with a modified field cannon, has been centrally marked at the Banjica Barracks in Belgrade. On the occasion of the holiday, a ceremonial parade of the brigade units was held, wreaths were laid at the memorial in the barracks, and awards and recognitions presented to the most distinguished individuals.

In reviewing the results achieved in the recent period, a high level of competence and professionalism of the Air Defense Artillery-Missile Units in executing all assigned tasks, as well as the continuation of intensive acquisitions, which improve further the capabilities of Air Force and Air Defense on the whole, were highlighted.

On the occasion of the Technical Overhaul Institute “Čačak” Day, a military ceremony has been held at this institution in memory of 30 September 1925, when a decision was made on the transfer of municipal land to construct an engineering and technical institute in Čačak.

At the ceremony, awards were handed to the best individuals and the results of the institution’s work were summarized, with a reminder that in the past year the Institute has significantly improved its capacities for the maintenance and overhaul of combat equipment and that it is actively involved in the modernization of weapons and military equipment, thus making its contribution to strengthening operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces.

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