SAF Unit Ready for Deployment in Peacekeeping Operation

Thursday, 25.7.2024 | Multinational Operations
The "Serbian Shield" tactical exercise, where the capabilities and interoperability of the force protection platoon were tested, was successfully completed today at the "South" base and at the "Borovac" training ground, thus confirming the unit's readiness for deployment in the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon.

The exercise was organized and carried out at the end of several months long preparation in order to verify in practice the readiness of this Training Command unit to be sent to the operational zone in Lebanon, where its main task will be to secure the UN peacekeeping base.

During multi-day training activities in the field, the platoon solved tactical tasks that were adapted to the mission and the conditions prevailing in the area of operation — from procedures on the march, through work at a permanent checkpoint and observation station, to the use of anti-aircraft protection measures, actions in the event of an attack on the base or encountering mines or explosive devices.

The work of the unit according to the given scenario was monitored and evaluated by the team from the SAF General Staff, with the conclusion that the force protection platoon reached the defined standards of training and interoperability and is fully ready for deployment in the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon.

The Serbian Armed Forces have been contributing a force protection platoon to this operation since 2014, as part of the Italian contingent, and a SAF infantry company, as well as staff officers and a team of specialists in charge of support to the contingent, are currently on peacekeeping tasks in Lebanon.

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