Minister of Defence Visited Air Force and Air Defence Command

Friday, 31.5.2024 | Stories from Units
Today, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić has visited the Air Force and Air Defence Command in Zemun, accompanied by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović.

During the meeting with the most responsible Air Force and Air Defence officers, Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković presented the organization, disposition of units and the most important tasks of that arm of the Serbian Armed Forces to Minister Gašić.

Minister Gašić has said that Air Force and Air Defence is a key part of the strong defence system of our country and that he is proud that its members carry out the tasks of controlling and protecting the sovereignty of Serbia’s airspace responsibly and professionally.

He has emphasized that the continuous equipping of Air Force and Air Defence with modern aircraft, air defence systems and radars is a way to strengthen further this arm of the Serbian Armed Forces.

— With the procurement of FK-3 and Pantsir anti-aircraft missile systems, Mi-35 and H-145 helicopters, GM-400 long-range radar, and remotely piloted aircraft, the combat readiness of Air Force and Air Defence was significantly strengthened. The state leadership and Ministry of Defence will continue to provide support for further equipping with modern assets in order to respond to all challenges regarding the control and protection of our airspace. Our country is developing, it is becoming economically stronger and we can allocate more money for our defence. Certainly, it is highly important that our Air Force be strengthened with new planes, because only strong Air Force and strong Serbian Armed Forces can guarantee peace and security for all of us — said Minister Gašić.

Minister Gašić has pointed out that in the coming period one of the priorities will be taking care of people and that further work will be done to improve the material position of members of the Serbian Armed Forces.

After today’s meeting at the Air Force and Air Defence Command, Minister Gašić was presented with protective flight equipment and protective equipment for technical personnel.

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