Serbian Armed Forces Provide Assistance to Sjenica Municipality

Thursday, 25.7.2024 | CIMIC
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are currently engaged in helping the residents of the villages of Buđevo and Crvsko in the municipality of Sjenica to reconstruct macadam roads. Service members are also replenishing this municipality’s reservoirs with water to be used by the locals for livestock watering.

Lieutenant Colonel Slavko Prodanović, head of the civil-military cooperation group, 2nd Army Brigade Command, says that the reconstructed roads will be used by two to three hundred residents living in the villages of Buđevo and Crvsko.
— They are important, because they lead to their properties, where their livestock grazes and stays for most of the summer. At the request of the local self-government, we are also supplying the locals with drinking water, because this is a dry area, especially now that the winter was mild and without snow, and a hot summer ensued. Depending on the distance of a village, we transport 12 to 18 tons of water per day — said Lt. Col. Prodanović.
He says that the Serbian Armed Forces are always ready to help their people and that they are often on the territory of the Sjenica Municipality.

— Two years ago, there was a state of emergency over drought, too. We took action to clean and fill the livestock water troughs, and we have been repairing roads for about fifteen years — said Lt. Col. Prodanović.

Momir Kovačević, Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Assembly of Sjenica, confirms that the military is always there for their people.

— The municipality is part of the effort as well, we have provided two trucks for transporting materials, and the military has provided other machinery. They have improved the roads to Buđevo, Raždaginje, and work will also be done in Crvsko.  They have cleaned the watering holes for cattle, because this year there is a water crisis, and their water tanker truck has also been supplying the locals with drinking water for several days — said Kovačević, expressing his gratitude to the military for cooperation and assistance.
He adds that the most important things for the lives of people in Pešter are roads, water and electricity, that Sjenica has more than 400 kilometres of unclassified roads, and that without the help of the wider community and the military, the municipality would have a hard time solving its problems.

Despite the high temperatures, thanks to the working group composed of engineers from the 2nd Army Brigade, who have put a great deal of effort, more than four kilometres of road damaged by natural disasters and soil erosion have been successfully repaired.
Second Lieutenant Lazar Cvijić, platoon commander at the 210th Engineer Battalion, who is also the leader of the working group engaged in the village of Buđevo, says that the effort to reconstruct macadam roads in that village and in Crvsko is underway.
— We have good cooperation with the locals and they seem well satisfied with our work. Four operators and two drivers using four engineering machines and a self-unloading truck have been engaged and we are working according to plan — says Second Lieutenant Cvijić and adds that the plan is to reconstruct six kilometres of macadam roads, and that the residents are being provided with drinking water, as well.

During severe droughts, the residents of the Pešter Plateau need the assistance of the Serbian Armed Forces, for which they are immensely grateful.

Blažimir Marković, a resident of Buđevo, says he cannot thank the Serbian Armed Forces enough for their help.
— The military helps us with whatever we need. Whether it's a road or water. I can’t thank them enough. We are also given medical check-ups by military doctors, and everything else we need — says the resident of Buđevo, and highlights the contribution of the military to the improvement of local roads.

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