International Course on Toxic Chemicals Detection and Identification

Tuesday, 10.9.2024 | Training
International course on the detection and identification of toxic chemicals is being attended by members of foreign armed forces at the Serbian Armed Forces CBRN Centre in Kruševac.

Course participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Egypt, Italy, the United States of America and Montenegro will, during their stay in our centre, expand their knowledge about the characteristics of toxic chemicals and toxic industrial chemicals and procedures for providing first aid in case of poisoning.

In relation to the physico-chemical characteristics of chemicals, they will also be trained in the detection and identification of contaminated materials and the use of devices for their detection.

The focus is on performing toxicological analyzes of water, heavy metal salts and chemically contaminated samples with the use of a laboratory for the detection and identification of toxic chemical substances. The training is conducted by certified instructors from the CBRN Centre, with using the devices and equipment available in the Serbian Armed Forces.

The great interest of foreign armed forces in sending their personnel to the CBRN Centre for training is a confirmation of the quality of training and expertise of the Serbian Armed Forces instructors in the field of atomic-biological-chemical defence, and conducting such international courses strengthens the status of this unit as a regional and partner center for education and training.

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