Serbian Armed Forces Continue to Assist in Water Supply of Affected Municipalities

Thursday, 15.8.2024 | CIMIC
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are still in the field today and, together with competent services, are working tirelessly to alleviate the consequences of water shortage in the municipalities affected by long-term drought.

Apart from their previous involvement in water supply for the population and endangered animals in the territory of Vladimirci, Gornji Milanovac, Mionica, Sjenica and Suva Planina, from this day on, the Serbian Armed Forces are employing additional tankers at the request of the municipalities of Gornji Milanovac and Sjenica, which have declared a state of emergency.

Additional tankers are primarily engaged to supply water to refill the pool in Pranjani near Gornji Milanovac and reservoir that inhabitants of Sjenica villages use for drinking and providing water for their livestock.

In a situation where, due to precipitation deficit, residents of many villages are facing water scarcity, the Serbian Armed Forces remain ready to engage forces and resources to help the population and reduce the drought effects as much as possible. This shows that they are always there for the citizens, not only when it comes to defending the country, but also when it is necessary to provide water, evacuate the vulnerable, provide medical assistance, build a road or a bridge, repair landslides, clear snowdrifts or extinguish a fire.

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