Tour of Candidates for the Serbian Armed Forces Special Units

Monday, 9.9.2024 | Stories from Units
The Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić and the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, visited the special units’ candidates who are undergoing basic training at the "Vojvoda Živojin Mišić" barracks in Valjevo.

Minister Gašić addressed the candidates and pointed out that their decision to apply to the open invitation and deserve a place in the selected team is respectable.

He emphasized that it is necessary for each candidate to prove their abilities in order to be able to carry the emblem of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade or the Special Purpose Military Police Detachment "Cobras" on their shoulders. 

— Your instructors will present you with demands and obstacles that you have probably never faced in your life. You will test your strength, endurance and mental capacity. When you become their colleagues one day, you will understand why it was the only way. You will understand and appreciate the value of your title and status. When the going gets tough, remember your great-grandfathers who forced the phalanxes of the mighty Austro-Hungarian Empire over these hills and fields into the waves of the Drina. Remember the great-grandfathers who crossed Albania and returned in glorious victory to their land. You are their offspring and their blood — said Minister Gašić.

The Minister of Defence emphasized that those who successfully pass the selective training will proudly wear the insignia of members of our elite units.

— You will handle the best and most modern weapons and continue to train and improve. And not only that. The state will provide you with high salaries for your service and loyalty, with which you will not have to worry about your financial situation. "Project 5000" is valuable and necessary for preserving the security of the Republic of Serbia and its citizens. It is you who will be the tip of the sword and the striking fist of our fatherland. You will be the force that deters the enemy from thinking of threatening us. And the greater your power and your skill, the safer Serbia will be — emphasized Minister Gašić and added that the Serbian Armed Forces will give those who do not meet the strict requirements of selective training the chance to become professional soldiers in other branches, services and specialties, and eventually a new opportunity to win a place in the special units.

After addressing the candidates, Minister Gašić and Chief of the General Staff, General Mojsilović, held a meeting with the senior officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, where they discussed the special units’ training and selection process.

Candidates who successfully complete basic training will be sent to selective training, which consists of several elimination stages. The most successful among them will be given the opportunity to enter professional military service for a fixed period of six months, with the possibility of extending the employment contract for a period of up to three years and its subsequent renewal.

All candidates who become members of the Serbian Armed Forces can expect continuous training and improvement, work with the most modern weapons and equipment, as well as a stimulating basic salary which, depending on the level of training and position, will increase significantly.

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