Serbian Arned Forces Installed Pontoon Bridge to the Great War Island

Monday, 15.7.2024 | CIMIC
Members of Pontoneer Units of the Serbian Armed Forces River Flotilla completed the installation of a pontoon bridge from the Zemun quay to the Great War Island.

The bridge was handed over to the tourist and cultural organization of Zemun City Municipality for use today, thus providing citizens with unhindered access to the popular Lido beach on the Danube.

The pontoon bridge has a load capacity of 20 tons, is 367.5 meters long and will be used by pedestrians and vehicles for the purposes of beach landscaping. Its safety and maintenance during the swimming season will be the responsibility of the River Flotilla pontoneers, who established the crossing point.

They used the transportation of the elements of the bridge from Šabac and its installation for additional training of actions and procedures on the river, improving their ability to perform the assigned tasks of the Serbian Armed Forces pontooneer units.

The heat wave that has affected our country and the high temperatures did not prevent the members of the Serbian Armed Forces from bridging the Danube, and as in previous years, the pontoon bridge will be in operation until the end of the summer season, when it will be dismantled and transported to the home garrison.

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