Taking Military Oath

Friday, 15.3.2024 | Stories from Units
A ceremony has been held at the “Field Marshal Živojin Mišić” Barracks in Valjevo today where soldiers performing military service and participants in the reserve officers training course of the March 2024 intake took the military oath.

Pronouncing the words of the oath in front of the flag of the Republic of Serbia, the soldiers and course participants solemnly pledged to protect and defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia.

The ceremony has been attended by Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević, Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces units, local government bodies and religious communities, as well as relatives and friends of the young men and women who took the oath.

The soldiers are now expected to go through a period of intensive training and active involvement in the life and work of SAF units until the end of their military service, while the course participants will continue their military training at the University of Defence.

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