Serbian Armed Forces and Ohio National Guard Engineering Units Engagement

Friday, 6.9.2024 | International Co-operation
As part of the project from Serbia and Ohio State Partnership Program, for the past two weeks, the engineering units of the Serbian Armed Forces and this American federal state were together engaged in engineering works at the "Borovac" training area.

This activity was performed through lectures, exchange of experiences and practical work on the engineering development of a military facility, with the use of modern engineering machines used in the Serbian Armed Forces.

In addition to the benefits in the form of improving the infrastructure on the training area, these works also improve the ability of engineering units members to perform the tasks that they can come accross in operations, such as overcoming and removing obstacles on the ground, building camps, shelters and trenches, and building and maintaining roads.

The Serbian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard have achieved successful cooperation in a number of areas in which mutual interest is recognized, and which serve the purpose of improving the capabilities and interoperability of units and the development of the overall military-military relations of the Republic of Serbia with the United States of America.

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