Preparations of SAF Infantry Company for Participation in Peacekeeping Operation

Thursday, 22.8.2024 | Training
As part of preparations for engagement with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which took several months, an infantry company of the Serbian Armed Forces designated to participate in this mission is training intensively at the “South” Base and “Borovac” Training Ground.

During this part of preparations, training takes place in specialized study rooms, firing ranges and training ground, in order to ensure complete readiness of the unit to carry out specific tasks in the Area of Operation.

The program includes tactical, firearms, physical and medical training contents and topics from international humanitarian law. The focus is on practicing tactics and procedures for performing tasks awaiting the unit in Lebanon, such as controlling mass gatherings, establishing checkpoints, conducting foot and combined patrols, evacuating the wounded and injured, and handling unexploded ordnance if discovered.

The company will complete its training in late September with the execution of a tactical exercise, which will test the unit’s readiness to deploy with the UNIFIL.

The Serbian Armed forces have been deploying an infantry company in this operation since 2013, and there is also a force protection platoon of the SAF in Lebanon as part of the Italian contingent, as well as staff officers and a group of specialists in charge of supporting our contingent.

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