Exchange of Experience in Flight Safety on Air Force Operations

Monday, 24.6.2024 | International Co-operation
An expert team from the Ohio National Guard paid an official visit to the Air Force and Air Defence of the Serbian Armed Forces for the purpose of exchanging experience and conducting training in the field of flight safety on air force operations.

During the visit, a seminar was held for members of the Air Force and Air Defense and special units of the Serbian Armed Forces on risk management when conducting air operations at the tactical and operational level.

The focus was on topics related to the prevention of threats to flight safety in combined aviation and special force operations.

As part of the activity, MiG-29 aircraft of the Serbian Armed Forces intercepted the American KC-135R transport aircraft during its flight to the Sergeant-Pilot Mihajlo Petrović Military Airfield in Niš, where the guests from Ohio were staying for the seminar.

This activity represents the continuation of the long-standing successful cooperation between the Serbian Air Force and the Ohio National Guard; its importance is reflected in the further improvement of capabilities and interoperability of the Serbian Armed Forces and the strengthening of overall military-to-military relations between the Republic of Serbia and the United States of America.

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