Braničevo Brigade Conducts Exercise

Tuesday, 18.6.2024 | Training
This week, the Command of the Braničevo Brigade is implementing the “Fire Wall 2024” Exercise at the Serbian Armed Forces’ Simulations Training Center in Belgrade.

This is a computer-assisted simulation exercise aimed at improving the ability of the command of this territorial brigade to plan, organize and execute a defense operation.

In accordance with the assigned scenario, officers and NCOs are practicing staff procedures in the process of making military decisions and implementing tactical scenarios they could encounter while conducting combat operations. The exercise also tests the knowledge of the principles behind the use of territorial forces on operations, interoperability with the Army, Air Force and Air Defense units, as well as cooperation with civilian elements.

Computer-assisted simulation exercises represent an important form of practical training of the Serbian Armed Forces’ commands. Such exercises provide an opportunity for staff officers and unit commands to improve their abilities to plan and execute combat operations, using the minimum amount of material resources.

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