Reception of Officers upon Completion of the General Staff Studies

Monday, 8.7.2024 | Stories from Units
The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, received the officers who were assigned to duties in the commands and units of the Serbian Armed Forces after the completion of the General Staff Studies.

He presented the current challenges, risks, threats and priorities in developing the Serbian Armed Forces capabilities to the graduates of the general staff studies in the country and abroad, while also giving them directions for working on new duties.

Expressing his satisfaction that the Serbian Armed Forces is stronger as of today for the new generation of officers who have completed the highest military professional studies, General Mojsilović emphasized that they are expected to apply the acquired knowledge in their daily work, show creativity, initiative and leadership skills and be an example to younger officers in their attitude towards tasks.

The general staff studies are the third level of special study programs for officers and are conducted for the purpose of their training and immediate preparation for high positions in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

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