Soldiers Undergo Specialized Training

Friday, 26.7.2024 | Training
Soldiers who started their military service in June this year are currently undergoing specialized training at the Army Training Centre in Požarevac.

This Training Command unit provides training for soldiers in dozens of infantry, artillery, engineer and armour specialties.

During the six-week training carried out in the training areas of "General Pavle Jurišić Šturm" barracks, and later, during the field training outside the peacetime locations, the soldiers acquire knowledge and skill in the use of personal and collective weapons and explosive ordnance and practice offensive and defensive tactical actions and procedures, in order to qualify for appropriate jobs in accordance with their specialties.

In this phase, the training aims to prepare soldiers for the combat use of Nora and Gvozdika artillery systems, M-84 tanks and M-80A infantry fighting vehicles, as well as for scheduled firing practices that await them in the coming period.

According to the commander of the Army Training Centre, Colonel Duško Jović, this unit provides individual specialized training to soldiers who are doing military service, but also to other trainees.

— The centre provides training for a total of 53 Army specialties, and currently, volunteers recruited in June this year are being trained in 15 specialties. On successful completion of training in specialized training centres, our soldiers are trained in Army specialties — infantry, artillery, armour and engineer, as well as in reconnaissance and military police specialties — says Colonel Jović, emphasizing that the soldiers have excellent prior knowledge acquired at the basic training centres, which helps instructors to conduct the planned training successfully.
Lieutenant Ognjen Vasić, leader of the training team that trains future M84 tank gunners, says that in addition to soldiers, they also train NCO Candidate Course participants — both civilians who have applied for the course and soldiers from different military units.
— As for the soldiers, besides tank gunners, we also train gunners on BRDM and BVP infantry fighting vehicles. Due to its complexity, their training lasts ten weeks, and the flagship of the training is firing, which is conducted in the Military Complex Orešac. In addition to gunners, we also train drivers of all combat vehicles. Also, professional soldiers serving in all units of the Serbian Armed Forces undergo training here — said Lieutenant Vasić.

Private Aleksandar Uzelac from Sombor has completed basic training at the First Training Centre in his hometown.
— For two weeks now, I have been undergoing training for my MOS 30 mm M93 automatic grenade launcher, in the Centre in Požarevac. Everything is going according to plan, it is hard, but we are optimistic that everything will go as it should and we are ready to continue to work in the Serbian Armed Forces — says Uzelac.
The specialized training for this group of soldiers ends at the end of August with an individual skills assessment, followed by collective training and active involvement in the life and work of SAF units until the end of their military service.

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