Army Scouts Doing Summer Training

Friday, 19.7.2024 | Training
The 4th Army Brigade scouts are currently doing their regular summer training.

The trainees are learning how to prepare their own food in the field, they are practicing swimming, fighting, using close combat weapons, making and using improvised explosive devices, doing reconnaissance, staging ambushes, carrying out raids and diversions and overcoming water obstacles.
During the first part of the training, reconnaissance unit members are learning how to prepare their own meals in the field, acquiring and honing survival skills that are necessary in situations when providing supplies to the unit in the field is difficult or when the unit is deep in the enemy’s rear.  

Carrying out tasks in different situations and environments requires resourcefulness and creativity, so in addition to using standard military equipment, scouts are also taught how to use natural sources of food and materials for making tools and structures that they can use in the execution of their tasks.
They are learning how to build and use different types of fire pits, food storing and preservation solutions, bread ovens and small game traps, so the scouts' menu can include fish and turtle stew, potato patties, bread rolls with nettle, baked frog legs, river fish and snakes, yarrow soup and dried rabbit meat.

Successful execution of this part of the training shows that the 4th Army Brigade scouts are self-sustaining and highly skilled in providing intelligence to the troops on operations.

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