Serbian Armed Forces Helping Municipalities Affected by Water Shortages

Friday, 23.8.2024 | CIMIC
In order to provide help in supplying water to threatened animals, from this day on, the Serbian Armed Forces are deploying forces and resources in the area of Donje Novo Selo near Bujanovac.

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are engaged in this task with an engineering machine for cleaning and arranging the only remaining place cattle in this village could get water; also, a water tanker is being employed with 10,000 liter capacity for water supply.

In order to alleviate the consequences of water scarcity in the municipalities affected by long-term drought, the Serbian Armed Forces have continued their involvement in supplying water to the population in the territory of Vladimirci, Gornji Milanovac, Mionica, Sjenica, Topola and Ljubovija, while, previously, it has been helping cattle breeders on Suva Planina and Stara Planina in providing water for threatened animals.

As many times before, members of the Serbian Armed Forces were among the first ones to respond to a call for help in the areas hit by water shortages, thus confirming their readiness to engage at short notice and provide necessary assistance to the citizens of Serbia.

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