Regular Rotation of Serbian Armed Forces’ Platoons in UNIFIL

Thursday, 12.9.2024 | Multinational Operations
A unit of the Serbian Armed Forces from the Training Command that participated in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has returned to the Republic of Serbia after completing successfully its engagement.

For the past six months, this force protection platoon has been tasked with securing the base where the Italian contingent of UN peacekeeping forces is located. 

In complex security conditions, this unit carried out its tasks professionally and responsibly, proudly representing its armed forces and the state, and was replaced by an SAF platoon, also from the Training Command, deployed to the Area of Operation in early September.

The rotation of the Serbian force protection platoons has been officially conducted this week at the UN base in Lebanon, in the presence of Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in this Middle Eastern country Milan Trojanović and Commander of Sector West Brigadier General Stefano Messina from the Italian Armed Forces. At the ceremony held on that occasion, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have been awarded UN medals for successful participation in the mission.

The Serbian Armed Forces have been participating in UNIFIL since 2010, and in addition to the force protection platoon, an infantry company, staff officers at the mission HQ and a group of specialist officers in charge of supporting our contingent are also engaged in this operation.

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