Climbing and Mountain Rescue Service Course

Wednesday, 11.9.2024 | Training
A course for climbing and mountain rescue service in summer conditions is underway in the organization of the 63rd Parachute Brigade and attended by members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Emergency Sector of the Ministry of Interior.

The aim of the training in this specialized course is practical and methodical training of the participants for the independent performance of training in climbing, as well as for complex tasks of rescue and evacuation in mountain conditions.

The training program includes both a theoretical part, during which participants are introduced to the techniques and tactics of movement on inaccessible terrain, as well as intensive practical work in real conditions, when they are expected to move in a difficult mountain environment, climbing steep cliffs and rescuing and evacuating people in danger. Helicopters of the Air Force and Air Defence are also engaged for the purposes of training for the evacuation of the injured from inaccessible mountainous terrain.

Modern Special Units’ equipment for climbing, mountaineering and rescue that are used in the training allow the participants to improve their technical skills and gain experience in the application of the latest technologies in the field of search and rescue.

Those who successfully complete the training program will receive certificates that allow them to independently conduct training in the field of climbing and mountain rescue service in their units, while implementation of this training improves the abilities of combat teams to effectively respond to emergency situations in real conditions.

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