Meeting with U. S. Defence Attaché

Friday, 19.7.2024 | International Co-operation
The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, received today the U.S. Defence Attaché to Serbia, Colonel Corey Shea, who is stepping down from this position after serving in our country for three years.

General Mojsilović thanked Colonel Shea for his contribution in strengthening military cooperation between Serbia and the USA and expressed hope that the latter’s successor would work hard on strengthening bilateral defence relations and mutual trust and understanding.

According to the Chief of the General Staff, defence cooperation is an important and extremely successful part of the overall relationship between Serbia and the USA and it helps to preserve and build peace in the region and the world. Serbian Armed Forces, he stressed, will continue to be a reliable and credible partner, open to cooperation with the U.S. armed forces in areas of mutual interest.

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