Distinguished Visitors’ Day at Platinum Wolf 24 Exercise

Thursday, 20.6.2024 | Training
The international tactical training exercise Platinum Wolf 24 involving members of the Serbian Armed Forces and armed forces of eight other countries has been successfully completed at the “Borovac” training ground near Bujanovac today.

Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović, Director of the Joint Staff at the Ohio National Guard Brigadier General Jeff Watkins and representatives of the military diplomatic corps have attended the final exercise activities today.

Minister Gašić has congratulated all the participants on the successfully conducted exercise and emphasized the importance of this kind of training which brings about the exchange of experience with colleagues from other armed forces. According to him, this is the way for the Serbian Armed Forces to increase their ability, interoperability and skills in order to be able to participate in multinational peacekeeping operations. He has especially thanked the exercise participants and pointed out that this has been the way for Serbia to strengthen partnership relations and cooperation with colleagues from abroad.

General Mojsilović has pointed out that the activities of the Serbian Armed Forces within the implementation of international military contents, especially exercises, are conditioned and limited by the Decision of the Serbian Government on the execution of training activities of the Serbian Armed Forces in the recent period.

— Based on the expressed needs of our armed forces in the context of interoperability and the need to work in an international environment, we asked from the Government to change the decision. This exercise gives the Serbian Armed Forces an opportunity to implement, together with representatives of several foreign countries, contents that are directly aimed at building their capabilities for participation in multinational operations and engagement under the flag of the United Nations and within the framework of the European Union — said General Mojsilović, adding that that day had been dedicated to the most dynamic elements of the exercise.

General Watkins has said that the importance of such exercises is reflected in more training activities and the fact that members of the armed forces transfer knowledge to others and learn from international partners, with the aim of better cooperation.

The Platinum Wolf 24 Exercise involved members of the Serbian Armed Forces and armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Italy, Hungary, Romania, the USA, North Macedonia and Slovenia, while representatives of the armed forces of Bulgaria, Greece and Germany were in the role of observers. They practiced the tactics, techniques and procedures, focused on the use of non-lethal weapons and applied during engagement in peacekeeping operations.

The Platinum Wolf Exercises have been conducted since 2014, organized by the Serbian Armed Forces and the United States European Command, with the aim of improving interoperability and mutual understanding of the armed forces of partner countries during the execution of a peace support operation in a multinational environment.

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