The More Numerous Armed Forces the Safer Serbia

Tuesday, 7.8.2018 | CIMIC

Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited the members of the Serbian Armed Forces in Zaječar Garrison who are assisting the households in Žagubica, where the floods caused great damage in the previous days.

Members of Command for Deployment of the Timok Brigade from the Training Command and the 31st Infantry Battalion of the 3rd Army Brigade are helping in clearing the households most badly afflicted by silt and torrential deposits.
After the tour, Minister Vulin pointed out that following the request of the local government and in line with the needs of the population of Žagubica, the Serbian Armed Forces had naturally answered the call and helped.
- The greater, better equipped and numerous Serbian Armed Forces, the safer and more peaceful the life in Serbia, and the local population, wherever the problems arise, can count on its armed forces. Serbia can always count on its Serbian Armed Forces and it can always expect every assistance and understanding. Just like we do it in Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Žagubica, we are ready to assist the local population wherever our help is needed. Every investment in the Serbian Armed Forces in an investment in a better life of every citizen of Serbia. A country which has such armed forces, and such men in the armed forces who help their people and their country with such zeal and pleasure, can say that it has good armed forces and that it is assured of its future – Minister Vulin underlined.
According to him the Serbian Armed Forces will continue investing in its arms and equipment, and they will continue purchasing better and newer engineering machines, but they will primarily continue investing in the quality of life and status of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- Owing to them, owing to their enthusiasm and perseverance we can say that Serbia loves and respects its armed forces and it is always secure no matter what happens, no matter what the trouble it is; the Serbian Armed Forces are always there and we can rely on it – Minister Vulin stated.
Speaking about the situation in that municipality, its President Safet Pavlović expressed his gratitude for the assistance rendered by the Serbian Armed Forces in the elimination of the effects of the natural disaster.
- After the catastrophic rain, which lasted for only 10 minutes, all our services went to the terrain, and luckily, there were no casualties. We asked assistance from the Serbian Armed Forces and in the shortest possible time, 30 soldiers arrived from Zaječar Garrison, who are with our volunteers eliminating the effects of everything that happened to us – underlined the President of Žagubica municipality and added that according to estimates it would take about ten more days to recover all the damage. Commander of Zaječar Garrison Colonel Vladica Vučković stressed that the works were being conducted in keeping with the planned dynamics.
- We are here to help the people, especially where it is the hardest, and I hope that we will manage to finish all in the planned time and to enable the people to return to their homes as soon as possible – said Colonel Vučković.
A Working group of the Serbian Armed Forces, commanded by Captain Lazar Vujanac from the Command for Deployment of the Timok Brigade, is going to assist the local population of Žagubica in the following days. According to Captain Vujanac, the members of the armed forces have been engaged in Žagubica municipality from 5th August.
- Up till now, some 50 trucks have taken away the debris, furniture and other things taken from the flooded households. The men are motivated to work, the cooperation between us and the representatives of the municipality is very good, and the citizens are satisfied with our engagement and we will remain here as long as it is necessary – Captain Vujanac stated.

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