Simultaneous Patrols by Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR to Preserve Security

Thursday, 26.9.2024 | Stories from Units
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are engaged in monitoring the situation along the administrative line towards Kosovo and Metohija and controlling the Ground Safety Zone continuously. While performing this task, in accordance with the Military-Technical Agreement, they work closely with members of international forces deployed in our southern province. 

From numerous joint activities of SAF and KFOR, one could single out simultaneous patrols in terms of their importance; they are carried out on both sides of the administrative line, not only to monitor the situation on the ground and prevent illegal activities, but also to promote mutual confidence and understanding.

This week, members of the 3rd Army Brigade have conducted one such patrol with members of KFOR Regional Command East in the area of responsibility of the SAF base “Šušnjak”, near Kuršumlija. On that occasion, they exchanged information about the situation on the ground and collected data that may be important for the implementation of tasks in the coming period.

Lieutenant Colonel Đorđe Petrović from the Commission for the Implementation of the Military-Technical Agreement has pointed out that the established lines of communication enable a continuous exchange of information, whether it is about doing regular tasks or about events that require urgent response from one of the parties.

—There have been regular meetings at all cooperation levels since 2001 which follow the reciprocity principle in terms of the venue: they are held alternately in the area of responsibility of the Serbian Armed Forces and that of KFOR, which contributes toward mutual confidence. During the meetings, information is exchanged about the current security situation in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija and along the administrative line — said LTC Petrović, adding that measures to improve the security situation were coordinated at the meetings by means of planning the joint reconnaissance, simultaneous patrols and observation.

Patrols are carried out in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244, as well as the Military-Technical Agreement, which was the basis for the establishment of the Joint Commission for the Implementation of the Agreement, which plays an important role in the process of establishing good relations.

Simultaneous patrols of SAF and KFOR have been taking place according to the agreed procedures since 2005, which played a part in reducing significantly the number of illegal activities along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and improving the security situation in this part of the country.

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