Event marking 80th anniversary of establishment of 63rd Parachute Brigade

Friday, 11.10.2024 | Culture and traditions
An event marking the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the 63rd Parachute Brigade was held tonight at the Central Military Club in Niš.

The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, representing the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces and President of the Republic , Aleksandar Vučić, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić, and the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović.
The 63rd Parachute Brigade Day and the Military Paratroopers Day commemorate October 14, 1944, when the First Parachute Battalion of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia was formed at a military base near Bari, Italy, and on October 14, members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade also observe the unit’s feast day – the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God.
In his address, Minister Gašić extended his best wishes for the holiday, saying that “few countries and armed forces in the world can boast an occasion such as the one that is being celebrated in Niš tonight”.

- Eight decades of existence of an elite unit such as the 63rd Parachute Brigade would make even much larger and more powerful armed forces proud. That is why we are justifiably proud of having a brigade within the Serbian Armed Forces whose name is uttered with admiration and respect everywhere in our country and beyond. We are proud of its strength, equipment and skill of its members, but also of the heroic deeds for which this unit has been awarded the highest decorations. Those heroic deeds were paid for dearly, with the lives of the paratroopers - said the Minister of Defence.
He emphasized that “when they were called to defend their homeland, they never shied away, and they never ran away from the danger looming over them and their lives, because members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade are and remain soldiers with two oaths”.
- They have sworn to their country and people, but also to their unit, their comrades and themselves. People who have deserved to be part of this brigade live for both of those oaths and, if necessary, die for them. Being a paratrooper, wearing a red beret and the 63rd’s insignia means swearing on one’s military and warrior’s honour, being ready for the greatest risk and sacrifice. That is why this unit is so special and highly esteemed. That is why it is considered to be part of our armed forces’ elite and one of the symbols of Niš - Minister Gašić said.
He said that “towards the end of the greatest military conflict in history, in October 1944, near Bari, Italy, a group of young men led by Lieutenant Vranić wrote the first lines of the gripping and bloody story of the unit whose anniversary we commemorate today”.

- Today we pay tribute to them, who started it all, and to all subsequent generations of paratroopers who built the monumental reputation of the 63rd Parachute Brigade. We remember with great respect those who fell for the freedom of Serbia and the Serbian people, but also those who died in peacetime, accepting the risks of their occupation. May they rest in peace forever. Current brigade members are their offshoot, their daily efforts and results prove that they are capable of bearing the honourable and heavy burden of this unit’s tradition - said Minister Gašić and added that the state leadership, headed by President Aleksandar Vučić, “has taken a number of decisive steps towards equipping and arming our elite units to the highest world standards”.
According to the Minister of Defence, the brigade members’ current financial status is such that they do not have to worry about the existence of their families.

- We have taken those steps knowing how important Special Forces are for the security of our country and citizens, and out of respect for the daily efforts and sacrifices they make. And we will not stop there, but will rather work to ensure that the 63rd Parachute Brigade and similar units of our armed forces grow in numbers, are better equipped and are proportionately better paid in the future - emphasized Minister Gašić.

Minister Gašić told the paratroopers to “foster the unit’s spirit and to preserve the unity that characterizes them and makes them an impenetrable shield against any threat to the freedom of our homeland”.
- Wear your parachutist badges proudly and share them only with those who truly deserve them. Stay true to the oaths you have taken, because that is what the citizens of Serbia expect from you. Hoping that your skills will never be used in war again, I extend my warmest congratulations to you on your Unit Day, Paratroopers Day, the 80th anniversary of the foundation of your unit and your feast day – the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God. May God protect you both on the land and in the blue sky! Long live the 63rd Parachute Brigade! Long live the Serbian Armed Forces – the Minister of Defence concluded.
In his address, the 63rd Parachute Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Nenad Zonić, said that “today, this brigade is the pillar of the defence of our armed forces and country”.

- A lot has happened over the past 80 years. Tens of thousands of paratroopers have served in our ranks. The individual ability of each member has never been questioned, but this unit is primarily made up of team spirit and loyalty to the collective - General Zonić stressed.
The former unit commander, Major General Ilija Todorov (retd), who spent his entire career working with paratroopers, also addressed the audience, telling them a brief history of the unit. He said that “today is the opportunity to express gratitude and pay tribute to all the people who dedicated their lives to the great 63rd Parachute Brigade”.

As a token of gratitude for the cooperation and contribution to the unit, the 63rd Parachute Brigade Commander presented the unit’s award to Aleksandar Vulin, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of monitoring the status of projects within the purview of several ministries and special government organizations, in coordination with the President of the Republic, and to the Chief of the General Staff, Gen. Mojsilović.
General Zonić presented a special award to Sava Dragić Vranić, daughter of the First Parachute Battalion Commander, Čedomir Vranić, in recognition of her genuine love for paratroopers, long-term support, understanding, humanity, generosity and a great example of how to foster a tradition.

At the event, the Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence "Stanislav Binički" performed, and a film about the unit, produced by the Military Film Centre "Zastava Film" was shown.
The event was attended by the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, members of the Ministry of the Interior, representatives of Republika Srpska institutions, representatives of the local self-government, religious communities and retired members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade.

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