Visit to SAF Members in Ground Safety Zone

Wednesday, 24.7.2024 | Stories from Units
Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović, today visited SAF members engaged in securing the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and controlling the Ground Safety Zone.

At the "Debela glava" and "Ornica" bases, they inquired at the organization of daily life and work tasks and saw for themselves that the competence and motivation of our soldiers and officers for the implementation of tasks in this part of the country is very high. After that, they visited the multi-functional shooting range "Vrtogoš", which is intended for individual and collective shooting training.

Minister Gašić thanked all members of the Serbian Armed Forces for their great commitment and sacrifice in performing tasks in the Ground Safety Zone.

— I want to thank the members of the armed forces for day and night performing all the tasks set before them in complex conditions and in all weathers. The SAF members make a full contribution to the security of all our citizens in this part of our country with their responsible work and commitment, and above all, their patriotism — the Minister of Defense emphasized.

The Minister of Defence also emphasized that citizens are proud and have great confidence in the Serbian Armed Forces, which represents a factor of peace and stability.

— Today's visit to the "Debela Glava" and "Ornica" bases was an excellent opportunity for me to make sure that the SAF members perform the tasks of securing the administrative line and controlling the Ground Safety Zone in a professional way and with huge responsibility. I thank them for the fact that, far from their families, they manage to express their concern for the homeland and protect the peace of all the citizens of our country — said Minister Gašić.

During today's visit, Minister Gašić and General Mojsilović talked with the soldiers about the tasks they perform along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija, and they also talked about living and working conditions.

During the visit, the condition of infrastructure facilities was reviewed and it was pointed out that measures will be taken to improve the conditions for the stay and work of SAF members in the bases and owned facilities in the Ground Safety Zone.

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