Display of Weapons and Military Equipment of Serbian Armed Forces on Occasion of Vidovdan

Friday, 28.6.2024 | Culture and traditions
As part of the celebration of the great national holiday — Vidovdan, a static display of weapons and equipment of the Serbian Armed Forces, i.e. assets and systems that are in the process of modernization, development and testing, has been organized in Kruševac today.

Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, Minister of Defense Bratislav Gašić, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović, as well as numerous distinguished visitors visited the displayed combat equipment and military equipment at the Square of Kosovo Heroes and surrounding streets, and the display was open to all interested citizens.

They could see modern armored vehicles, artillery assets and systems, Air Defense systems and assets from the production program of the Serbian Defense Industry. For the first time the public has been shown the new anti-aircraft missile system HQ-17AE, which has recently been introduced to the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces.

On the occasion of Vidovdan, a central state ceremony of laying wreaths and paying tribute to Kosovo’s heroes has been held in Kruševac today, as well as a formal session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

On that occasion, Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, Minister of Defense Bratislav Gašić and General Milan Mojsilović laid wreaths at the Memorial to the Heroes of Kosovo.

Earlier today, the Minister of Defense and Chief of the General Staff took part in a procession from the Lazarica Church to the Monument to the Heroes of Kosovo, led by Bishop David of Kruševac, while members of the Serbian Armed Forces from the Kruševac garrison also traditionally participated in the procession.

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