Meeting of International Military Experts in the Field of Logistics

Tuesday, 4.6.2024 | International Co-operation
This week, Belgrade is hosting the 25th meeting of the Board of Directors of the Multinational Logistics Coordination Center, an international organization that aims to build capabilities and find solutions to the logistical support of the member countries’ armed forces.

Another 19 countries from Europe and the United States of America participate in the work of this advisory body, the Republic of Serbia being its member since 2016.

At this week’s meeting of the Board of Directors, which included military experts from all member countries, the analysis covered the degree of execution of tasks related to joint standardization projects in the field of logistics and training logistics personnel for the tasks in a multinational environment. The report on the work of the Center was also adopted and the plans of activities for the period up to 2027 were harmonized.

Participation of the Republic of Serbia in the work of this international organization, which takes place under the Partnership for Peace Program, helps in the accomplishment of the set partnership goals and further improvement of interoperability and training of logistics bodies in the Serbian Armed Forces.

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