Tank Crews Training

Tuesday, 3.9.2024 | Training
Training of the professional component of the tank battalion armed with T-72MS tanks is underway at the training areas of the Serbian Armed Forces in Niš and its surroundings.

This is regular training that is performed in order to preserve and further improve the skills of tank crews for the combat use of this asset in defensive and offensive operations.

The emphasis is on the training of newly recruited professional soldiers and officers, so they can achieve the required training standards, which include knowledge of the tactics of use, training for the effective use of weapons and for basic maintenance, as well as mastery of modern targeting devices and other subsystems on the tank.

In this phase, tank crews practice tactical actions in the preparation and implementation of marches and reconnaissance and the execution of combat operations against the enemy, with the integration of fire and tactical actions of all crew members. In the next stages of training, tank crews will perform preparatory and range practice, and then tactical exercises and live firing, when they will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills in integrating fire and maneuver on this complex combat vehicle.

The continuous implementation of a wide range of exercise activities and practical training in this and other armored units of the Serbian Armed Forces ensures a high level of combat readiness of these components, which, thanks to their high mobility and strong firepower, represent the basic maneuvering force of the Army and the Serbian Armed Forces for the execution of operations.

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