Visit of Italian Chief of Defence

Thursday, 18.7.2024 | International Co-operation
At the invitation of the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, the Chief of Defence of the Republic of Italy, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, is paying a return visit to our country.

Admiral Dragone visited the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff today, where he discussed the current security situation in the world and the region with General Mojsilović, with a focus on Kosovo and Metohija, as well as bilateral cooperation in the field of defence.

It was concluded at the meeting that this cooperation is meaningful, mutually beneficial and that it is founded on the principles of equality and mutual appreciation, with full respect for the military neutrality of the Republic of Serbia.

Building and preserving peace in the region and the world through deployment in peacekeeping operations, training, education and military-economic cooperation were singled out as areas of common interest.

The deployment of Serbian and Italian soldiers in the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Lebanon, as well as the participation of the Serbian Armed Forces in the military operations of the European Union, was also highlighted and positively evaluated.

Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, which he assessed as unstable and sensitive, General Mojsilović pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces see KFOR as the only legitimate security actor in the Province. He conveyed to his Italian colleague the expectation that the international forces in our province, in which the contingent of the Italian Armed Forces plays a significant role, will fully and impartially implement their mandate and provide the necessary protection to the Serbian population.

Admiral Dragone was also received by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Miloš Vučević, and the Minister of Defense, Bratislav Gašić, in separate visits today.

General Mojsilović paid an official visit to Italy, at the invitation of Admiral Dragone, in April last year. Such high-level contacts contribute to the strengthening of mutual trust and understanding and provide an incentive for further improvement of bilateral cooperation in the field of defence.

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