Presentation Document, PfP

Republic of Serbia, as each partner state, independently drafted its respective Presentation Document where it defines its political agenda regarding participation in the Partnership for Peace, where the areas of cooperation of interest for the fulfillment of these goals were delineated, as well as the resources and assets that Serbia intends to place at disposal for PfP signatories' use.


The Republic of Serbia expresses its lasting commitment to the principles of democracy, individual freedoms and the rule of law. The Republic of Serbia is ready to extend its contribution to the development of peaceful and friendly relations, strengthening of institutions, respect of the principles of the United Nations Charter, development of economic cooperation and to other objectives of the Partnership for Peace Programme. The Republic of Serbia strongly believes that NATO's Partnership for Peace programme reflects the common conviction of the NATO Member States and its partners that it is possible to ensure the stability and security of the international order as a whole exclusively through cooperation, preservation of democratic values and respect for the international law. The Republic of Serbia has decided to actively participate in the Partnership for Peace and thus develop a partnership relationship with NATO.

As an expression of its strong commitment to contributing to the common democratic values and to the consolidation of security and stability on the regional and global levels, the Republic of Serbia acceded to the Partnership for Peace programme on 14 December 2006 on the basis of the invitation extended by the Heads of State or Government of the NATO Member States in Riga on 29 November 2006 when the President of the Republic of Serbia signed the Partnership for Peace Framework Document. The Republic of Serbia unequivocally reaffirms its resolve to fulfill all of its international obligations in respect of the full cooperation with the ICTY, including the taking of all the necessary steps towards locating, apprehending and handing over all the persons indicted by the ICTY Prosecutor. This Presentation Document constitutes the basic point of reference in the Republic of Serbia's future active participation in the Partnership for Peace.

This Document is based on its clear political commitment to develop partner relations with NATO on the basis of the existing contents of the Programme and the past cooperation with NATO, which evolved in the last few years in the spirit of the Partnership for Peace. The Republic of Serbia is determined to make its potentials and capacities available towards the implementation of the principles and objectives of the Programme, based on the Partnership for Peace Invitation and Framework Documents, as well as on the Basic Document of the Euro Atlantic Partnership Council.



Proceeding from the conviction that its national security is closely linked with the security of the region of Southeast Europe, the Republic of Serbia wishes to develop its relations with NATO Member States and partners on the basis of direct, close and long term cooperation and common action. It is considered that the implementation of this orientation is complementary to the Republic of Serbia's objective of joining the European Union.

As a Member State of the United Nations, the Republic of Serbia herein reaffirms its determination to fully implement its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Republic of Serbia underlines in particular its commitment to refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or independence of any country, its respect for existing borders and to the settlement of disputes and outstanding problems by peaceful means.

The Republic of Serbia also wishes to make its full contribution to the universal efforts to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The Republic of Serbia reaffirms its commitment to the Helsinki Final Act and other basic documents of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (hereinafter OSCE). It will continue to fulfill its obligations in a timely fashion regarding disarmament, arms control, non-proliferation, as well as confidence and security building measures stemming from the Vienna Concluding Document, the Code of Conduct on Political and Military Security Aspects and other adopted documents related to the OSCE political-military dimension.

The Republic of Serbia wishes in particular to emphasize its firm belief that an active and substantial cooperation between all Western Balkan countries and NATO Member States and PfP countries is the right way to achieve durable stability and progress of this region. The values underlying Euro Atlantic integration, as well as practical regional cooperation in enhancing security are of particular significance in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

The Republic of Serbia is ready to make its maximum contribution, through its active participation in the PfP, to the peaceful development of the region, strengthening of good-neighbourly relations and the resolution of all controversial situations through dialogue and cooperation. In this context, the Republic of Serbia reiterates its full commitment to the Dayton Peace Agreement.

The Republic of Serbia expresses its readiness to contribute constructively to the efforts aimed at finding a compromise solution for the future status of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, a solution based on the principles of the UN Charter, Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999), OSCE Final Act of Helsinki that would contribute to peace and stability of the entire region.

On the basis of the Republic of Serbia’s commitment to joining the PfP, the last few years have seen the elaboration of strategic documents on defence reform, continuing improvement of mechanisms of civilian and democratic oversight of the armed forces and coordination between the relevant Ministries in order to prepare the country for accession to, and participation in, the PfP. This process has been in parallel with the increasing scope and quality of cooperation with the Alliance, so much so that there already exists a very solid basis for future partner relations. In the framework of continuing improvement of cooperation with the Alliance, particular significance is being attached to the constantly improving cooperation of the Republic of Serbian Army with KFOR, thus contributing not only to quality relations between The Republic of Serbia and NATO and to the preservation of stability in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija and beyond, in the Western Balkan region.

The Republic of Serbia and NATO have been developing their cooperation within the Tailored Cooperation Programme since 2003. This Programme entered its third cycle at the beginning of 2006. Based on the decision of the NATO Istanbul Summit in 2004, the Republic of Serbia participates in selected activities of the Partnership for Peace programme. Cooperation has been developed on the basis of consultations where the Serbian side has ample possibilities to propose certain fields of cooperation itself. Owing to this mechanism, the Republic of Serbia has already had the opportunity to benefit from various fields of cooperation in the spirit of the Partnership for Peace programme.

Scope: wider-ranging and intensive cooperation

The Republic of Serbia wishes to contribute constructively to the implementation of the objectives for the purpose of which the Partnership for Peace programme has been initiated in the first place. There exists strong conviction in the Republic of Serbia that this is the way to strengthen its national and regional security. In this context, the Republic of Serbia expresses its interest in co-operation with NATO including a developed political dialogue, as well as various forms of concrete co-operation and cooperation on defence reform. At the same time, the Republic of Serbia expresses its readiness to participate in all areas of co-operation under the existing co-operation documents, forms and mechanisms of PfP cooperation.

The Republic of Serbia believes that the dangers posed by conventional military challenges, risks and threats have gradually lessened. By contrast, the dangers from non-military security threats such as terrorism, organized crime, ethnic or religious extremism, illegal migration, illegal trade, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or from natural or man-made disasters have increased. In this respect, the Republic of Serbia is ready to render its full contribution towards reducing the security challenges, risks and threats through the activities undertaken within the Partnership for Peace programme.

As to the regular political dialogue of the PfP Member States with NATO, the Republic of Serbia clearly expresses its readiness for, and interest in, taking part in the work of the Euro Atlantic Partnership Council (hereinafter EAPC) and all its subsidiary bodies and committees on a regular basis. Proceeding from paragraph 12 of the Basic Document regulating the work of this Council (Sintra, 30 May 1997), the Republic of Serbia fully accepts its concept of work contained in its basic documents and is ready to take active part in political dialogue in the EAPC on regional topics and on those of wider significance for the practical implementation of the Partnership concept alike.

The Republic of Serbia’s participation in the Partnership for Peace will be in accordance with its economic, financial, human, material and other resources. It is ready to assume its share of obligations and responsibilities for participation in the PfP activities.

The Republic of Serbia intends to accede to the Planning and Review Process (PARP) which is the basis for enacting legislation, forming and evaluating the force size and the level of capability to receive multinational training, engage in exercises and operations carried out in cooperation with NATO forces. It undertakes to fulfill the obligations and commitments provided by this PfP mechanism consistently, seeing it as a contribution to the reform of its own defence system.

Well aware of the threat of terrorism to the basic values of the present-day world, the Republic of Serbia expresses its readiness to participate in the Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism (PAP-T). The Republic of Serbia also expresses its readiness to participate in the Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building (PAP-DIB) and points to the importance of continuing and broadening the projects from the field of public diplomacy. Considerable experience has already been acquired in some of these areas in which important support and assistance have been rendered by NATO and PfP Member States, as well as by NATO structures themselves.

The Republic of Serbia wishes to make operational its commitment to a broad and intensive cooperation with NATO also through its participation in the Individual Partnership Action Plan and thus to promote the substance and level of its partner relations with NATO.

In order to reach interoperability with the armed forces of NATO Members and PfP partners, the Republic of Serbia expresses its readiness to take part in the Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC). In order to achieve optimum results in, and align and enhance, the transparency of PfP Member States' education and training activities, the Republic of Serbia expresses its readiness to participate in the Training and Education Enhancement Programme (TEEP). The Republic of Serbia expresses its great interest in cooperation with NATO Members in scientific and technological research and its satisfaction that it has become a member of the Science for Peace and Security Committee (SPS). The Republic of Serbia also expresses its satisfaction for having been given the opportunity to benefit from the PfP Trust Fund and its interest to use also in the future this mechanism of providing financial support to alleviate the consequences of the Republic of Serbia’s defence system reform process.

The precise definition and alignment of all these cooperation fields will be carried out during the preparation of the Individual Partnership Programme (IPP). In addition to the multilateral format of work within the EAPC and its subsidiary bodies, the Republic of Serbia considers that periodic "26+1" format meetings would also provide good opportunities to discuss with NATO the results and the direction of reforms in the country that are important for its participation in the PfP.

In order to respond appropriately to the requirements of PfP co-operation, the Republic of Serbia is aware of the need for taking organisational measures with a view to improving inter-agency co-ordination and effective management of multidisciplinary PfP activities. In line with this, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has taken steps to create a Co-ordination Body for an active participation in the PfP programme, comprising all relevant governmental departments in charge of practical implementation of the Euro Atlantic partnership concept.



Consistent with the commitments presented in its documents on defence strategy and doctrine and the professed political goals of co-operation, the Republic of Serbia intends, through an active and substantive PfP participation, to join the process of cooperation and concerted action with other countries of NATO and PfP aimed at building global, regional and national security. It further wishes to render its contribution and assume its share of responsibility for stable and lasting peace in the region, take part in UN-led peace operations and achieve the interoperability of its own armed forces with NATO and PfP members.

In that context, the Republic of Serbia identifies as its priorities the following fields of co-operation within the PfP:

  • Democratic oversight of the defence system. In accepting the democratic oversight of the defence system as one of the postulates of modern democratic society, the Republic of Serbia will adopt a legal framework and create in that way the necessary preconditions for a transparent and responsible defence system management in the period to come. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, adopted on 8 November 2006, provides in its Article 141 for democratic and civilian oversight of the military. The adoption of the Laws on defence, armed forces, security services and democratic and civilian oversight will complete the set of legal documents regulating defence system functioning. This field of cooperation will contribute to the development and enhancement of parliamentary and civilian mechanisms of control and oversight. Similarly, the Republic of Serbia is making efforts to ensure conditions for greater independence and role of the media, NGOs and civilian experts and to promote and broaden education of all those dealing with security and defence matters.
  • Defence Strategy and Policy. The implementation of the objectives and tasks of the defence system is defined by its strategy and policy. In accordance with its need for an adequate coordinated response to current security challenges, risks and threats, the Republic of Serbia is clearly interested in making its national defence system compatible with the defence systems of NATO and PfP Member States. Accordingly, the Republic of Serbia is interested to use the significant experiences, mechanisms, capacities and resources of the PfP, and to cooperate with partners bilaterally. The priority of its cooperation in this area is the elaboration of relevant strategic and doctrine-related documents translating them further into plans and programmes. The further development of the new approach based on these issues contributes to the overall efforts within the defence reform of the Republic of Serbia and to becoming interoperable with NATO and PfPmembers.
  • Planning and financing of the defence system and resource management. This field of cooperation and its transparency in planning and implementation is anew quality of an interactive relationship between civilian authorities and the defence system. It is aimed, on the one hand, at acquiring insight by the professional community into the defence system’s problems and needs and, onthe other, at raising the public awareness of its own responsibility for an effective functioning of this segment of society. Cooperation in this field is expected toensure an effective defence system planning and financing process overseen by democratic institutions. This process will also contribute to ensuring effective and efficient forces that would be operable, and the Serbian defence system has already taken certain steps to put it in place. In addition, the Republic of Serbia intends to ensure, in accordance with the Framework Document, defence system planning and financing transparency also in relation to NATO and PfP Member States.
  • Military education, training and doctrine. The Tailored Co-operation Programme between the Republic of Serbia and NATO, initiated in 2003, as the first institutionalised form of cooperation, provided an opportunity for a number of Ministry of Defence officials and Army of Serbia officers to attend, among others, courses and schools within NATO institutions. In this way, they were able to acquire the knowledge and experience necessary for the modernization of the defence system and work in a multilateral environment. The Republic of Serbia is interested in intensifying cooperation in this field and raising the level of interoperability of its armed forces with the armed forces of PfP and NATO partners in that way. With a view to upgrading the quality of education and training within the defence system, the Republic of Serbia intends to harmonise its doctrines and programmes with NATO and PfP Member States and to accede to the PfP Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes.
  • Conceptual, planning and operational aspects of participation in peace and humanitarian operations. The use of the Army of Serbia and civilian police in peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace stabilisation operations, as well as in those intended to provide humanitarian assistance on a bilateral or multilateral basis is approved by the decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, the Republic of Serbia embraces the concept of security co-operation as the optimum form of protection of its national interests and expresses its readiness to make some of its forces, resources and experience available for purposes of peace and humanitarian operations led by the United Nations. In this respect, the Republic of Serbia wishes to streamline the relevant concepts of training, logistics, command and control and normative regulations on the conduct of such operations, as well as to improve its financing mechanisms, PR relations and civilian-military coordination. Of particular significance is the development of inter-operability of human and material resources for the needs of peace operations through various PfP mechanisms and exchange of experiences in the field and in international humanitarian law. The Republic of Serbia considers also important the development of regional capabilities through participation in the PfP Operational Capabilities Concept.
  • Military medical services. The Republic of Serbia intends in particular to promote, through this field of co-operation, various capabilities of its military medical services, whether intended for the needs in the country or those of international peace operations. This co-operation implies advanced training of personnel, upgrading of material resources, joint participation in scientific research projects, exchanges of medical staff and support to the reform of medical corps training. The Republic of Serbia wishes to be informed about medical procedures, diagnostic and treatment methods and the equipment used by NATO Member States. Also, it wishes to make available for the purposes of PfP activities, the experience, professional skills and capacities of its military medical services, primarily the Military Academy Hospital and the troops medical corps (1st role). Secondly, its intention is to implement measures required for the level of standardisation and logistical support for coordinated operations under the PfP.
  • Atomic/biological/chemical weapons defence. The Republic of Serbia wishes to improve and promote its national capabilities for protection against radiological, nuclear, biological and chemical weapons threats, as well as consultation and co-ordination of activities in the field with PfP partner countries and NATO Members. The Army of Serbia's Centre for the training and improvement of these personnel represents a national point of reference in the planning of the development of regional and broader international significance. Concurrently, this development includes training, joint international engagement of teams, instruction of national mobile training teams and instructors, as well as support to civilian authorities both at home and in the NATO and PfP countries.
  • Learning of foreign languages. The Republic of Serbia has established initial capacities for teaching foreign languages at the Military Academy of the Army of Serbia through the implementation of the Programme of English Language Teaching (PELT) containing all the principles of the NATO STANAG 6001. These capacities require further improvements through teaching methodology development, adoption of general, technical and specialised glossaries of NATO terminology, training of teachers and exchange of experiences in this field. In addition, aware of the fact that knowledge of languages and the terminology used by NATO is the foremost element of interoperability, the Republic of Serbia is desirous of increasing this capability also through sending personnel to attend training courses in NATO and PfP countries. 

In addition to the above, the Republic of Serbia would be interested also in cooperating in the following areas:

  • Operational, material and administrative aspects of standardisation. By participating in this co-operation, the Republic of Serbia wishes to be familiar with the standardisation process in NATO, to develop its own structures, organisations and standardisation procedures that would be compatible with NATO Member States and partner countries. Also, in the framework of the PfP10Planning and Review Process, the Republic of Serbia intends to identify and apply NATO standards relating to the equipment and systems operated by ground forces, air force and air defences through co-ordinated areas of individual cooperation and partnership goals.
  • Military exercises and training. The Republic of Serbia is interested in intensifying co-operation in military exercises and training and in raising in this way the level of interoperability of the Army of Serbia with the armed forces of the NATO and PfP countries. This includes improvement of the training of military units and individuals for participation in international formations, adjustment of command and control systems and of staff procedures, as well as development of civilian-military co-operation and crisis management techniques. Particularly important in this field will be participation in the PARP and active participation in military exercises, whether PfP or those carried out "in a PfP spirit" at the regional level.
  • Cooperation and coordination in response to emergencies. The Republic of Serbia intends to unify all the functions related to the management of natural and man-made disasters implying preventive and operational measures of protecting the lives or property of citizens. The Republic of Serbia wishes to promote the system of protection and rescue and evacuation of the population in emergency situations through the development of its own capabilities, as well as through regional and wider arrangements in this field. Such arrangements include exchange of information, joint exercises, agreements on mutual assistance and promotion of information technologies for these purposes. National alert government authorities express the necessity at cooperation with the Euro Atlantic Disaster Response Co-ordination Centre (EADRCC) and NATO with a view to improving coordination of national response to human or man-made disasters and exchange of information during all the stages in disaster management (prevention, response, rehabilitation and recovery).
  • Science and technology. The Republic of Serbia expresses its interest in participating in the realization of projects related to scientific and technological cooperation within the PfP programme, whether in respect of the PfP priority areas (defence against terrorism, environmental protection) and in respect of the national priorities for scientific research. Key areas of cooperation will include information technologies, water management, waste management (particularly radioactive waste), renewable energy sources, biotechnologies (especially in agriculture and medicine), food safety, advanced technologies (nano science and nano technologies, new materials), social trends (particularly reduced effects of the brain drain and policy and scientific and technological development), as well as defence against nuclear terrorism. Cooperation in all these areas may be developed with universities and institutes in the Republic of Serbia.
  • Air space management and control. By participating in this co-operation, the Republic of Serbia intends to develop effective civilian-military co-ordination in managing air transport, to achieve interoperability in communication systems, navigation and reconnaissance, to develop and implement contemporary air safety measures and apply international regulations and standards of ICAO, EUROCONTROL and of other international civil aviation organisations of which it is a member.
  • Crisis management. As the Republic of Serbia expresses the intention to work through this field of co-operation for further development of its crisis management capabilities and skills under democratic control in the use of modern information technologies for the crisis management training and co-operation, it also wishes to improve the organisation and operability of the Operational-Defence Centre, to actively co-operate with the NATO Situation Centre and to participate in the relevant aspects of NATO Crisis Management Exercises (CMX) and at the meetings discussing subject-matters of common interest in this field.
  • Response to terrorism. In this field of co-operation the Republic of Serbia intends to promote sharing of information and to develop its national capabilities in combating terrorism, to develop interoperability with the NATO and PfP countries in order to ensure the best response to such security risks and threats. At the same time, it wishes to support and contribute to regional and international efforts made in the context of Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism (PAPT), as well as the relevant UN resolutions and initiatives.
  • Consultations, command and control (including telecommunications andinformation technologies, navigation and identification and related aspects, interoperability procedures and terminology). The Republic of Serbia wishes to develop telecommunication and information systems to support command and control functions through harmonisation with NATO standards. Initially, in addition to consultations, forms of this co-operation would be based on familiarisation with modern concepts of planning, implementation, use and maintenance of the strategic, operational and tactical systems of telecommunications and information.
  • Public relations. The main goal of cooperation in the area of public relations is the assertion of the Republic of Serbia’s transparent defence reform process and participation in the PfP programme, along with the higher level of understanding and support of the public at home and abroad for these processes. Cooperation in the field of public relations will provide within the defence system for the training in the area of public diplomacy, exchange of experiences, cooperation in the elaboration and implementation of public relations projects and research, cooperation with international universities, institutes and the media towards a more effective promotion of Euro Atlantic partnership and an increased public support for the Republic of Serbia’s planned defence reform processes.
  • Development co-operation programmes in the field of armaments and military equipment. The Republic of Serbia wishes to carry out this form of cooperation through research in armaments and military equipment, production of small arms and artillery ordnance and munitions of various calibre, gunpowder12and explosives, engineering machinery, armoured combat and non-combat vehicles, aircraft, personal protection means, etc. Also, there is an interest in the repair of these devices, as well as in the demilitarisation and destruction of excess stocks, explosives and landmines, and in improving co-ordination of military logistics with the relevant economic structures.

As a specific mechanism of cooperation, the Republic of Serbia underlines its intention to continue its cooperation with NATO also through the Serbia–NATO Defence Reform Group.

The Republic of Serbia sees the main forms of cooperation within the Partnership for Peace programme, whether in the above described or subsequently agreed areas, in the following:

  • Elaboration of joint plans and programmes of cooperation and co-ordination;
  • Participation in the work of NATO committees and command structures;
  • Participation in joint scientific research projects through exchange of task forces and experts and researchers and through other measures of cooperation in the field of science and technology;
  • Support to the implementation of Partnership goals;
  • Staging of, and participation at, international seminars and conferences;
  • Consulting, advising and meetings;
  • Exchange of personnel, information and data;
  • Training and advanced training of personnel;
  • Recruitment of mobile education and training teams (METT);
  • Joint participation in command and staff exercises at operational and tactical levels;
  • Joint participation in peace and humanitarian operations mandated by the United Nations;
  • Joint training of military and civilian personnel in national and international training centres;
  • Participation in arms and military equipment fairs.

The Republic of Serbia expresses its particular interest and readiness to organize certain activities within the Partnership for Peace programme, particularly at the regional level. This would include a wide range of the described forms of co-operation, includingthe utilisation of most effective capacities of each of the countries of the region. Thisapproach, besides the development of good neighbourly relations, would ensure the development of intra-regional capabilities and interoperability for an effective identification of common response to regional challenges, risks and threats.



To ensure successful implementation of the political goals of its PfP participation and specific activities within the described areas of co-operation, the Republic of Serbia is ready to enable the utilization of the resources and assets for the purposes of PfP activities. At the same time, the Republic of Serbia will make an effort, within the limits of its national possibilities, to provide the necessary funds to engage its forces and share the cost of military exercises where it participates, as well as to meet the needs of other agreed PfP activities.

Any increase in the allocated resources will be in line with the further dynamics of defence reform in the Republic of Serbia and the capabilities resulting the refrom. Consequently, the resources and assets may be regarded as a starting point that will be adapted according to the development and implementation of the Individual Partnership Programme and the speed of the Republic of Serbia's inclusion in all other PfP mechanisms.