
Battle shooting
Photos: 15
Thursday, 22.3.2012 
Regular analysis of SAF capabilities
Photos: 10
Wednesday, 21.3.2012 
Pledge taking ceremony in Valjevo
Photos: 15
Saturday, 17.3.2012 
Pledge taking ceremony in Sombor
Photos: 23
Saturday, 17.3.2012 
Pledge taking ceremony in Leskovac
Photos: 27
Saturday, 17.3.2012 
Chief of General Staff visited SAF units
Photos: 15
Thursday, 15.3.2012 
Maj. General Bjelica visited SAF units in Kuršumlija
Photos: 24
Wednesday, 14.3.2012 
Donation to Self Access Center
Photos: 8
Friday, 9.3.2012